
  • Huttenlocher, J. & Levine, S.C. (1990) Primary Test of Cognitive Skills, MacMillan/MacGraw-Hill.
  • Kim, H., Levine, S.C. & Kertesz, S. (1990) Are variations among subjects in lateral asymmetry real individual differences or random error in measurements?  Putting variability in its place.  Brain and Cognition,14, 230-242. PDF DOI
  • Huttenlocher, P., Levine, S.C., Huttenlocher, J. & Gates, J. (1990) Discrimination of normal and at-risk children on the basis of neurological tests.  Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 332, 394-402. PDF DOI
  • Banich, M.T., Levine, S.C., Kim, H., & Huttenlocher, P. (1990) The effects of developmental factors on IQ in hemiplegic children.  Neuropsychologia, 28, 35-48. PDF DOI
  • Levine, S.C. (1989) The question of faces:  Special is in the brain of the beholder.  In Hayden Ellis and Andrew Young (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Face Processing, Amsterdam:  North Holland Publishing Company.
  • Levine, S.C., Banich, M.T., & Koch-Weser, M. (1988) Face recognition:  A general or specific right hemisphere capacity?  Brain and Cognition, 8, 303-325. PDF DOI
  • Tonsgard, J., Hardwicke, N. & Levine, S.C. (1987) The Kluver-Bucy syndrome in children.  Pediatric Neurology, 3, 162-165. PDF DOI
  • Levine, S.C., Huttenlocher, P., Banich, M.T., & Duda E. (1987) Factors affecting cognitive functioning in hemiplegic children.  Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 27, 27-35. PDF DOI
    Reprinted in: Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development (1988).  S. Chess, A. Thomas and M.E. Hertzig, (Eds.), 540-558, Philadelphia:  Brunner/Mazel.
  • Levine, S.C., Banich, M.T. & Kim, H. (1987) Variations in arousal asymmetry: Implications for face processing.  In David Ottoson (Ed.)  Duality and unity of the brain.  Wenner-Gren Center International Symposium Series, 207-222.
  • Levine, S.C., & Levy, J. (1986) Perceptual asymmetry for chimeric faces across the lifespan.  Brain and Cognition, 5, 291-306. PDF DOI