Popular Press
- Daly, N. (2017). How today’s toys may be harming your daughter. National Geographic. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/01/gender-toys-departmen…
- Klass, P. (2017). Fending off math anxiety. The New York Times. https://nyti.ms/2pcjDJg
- Moritz, K. (2017). ‘Math anxiety’ is real, even if you’re good at math. Rewire. http://www.rewire.org/2017/03/28/math-anxiety-real/
- Reiter, C. (2017). Anxiety affects test scores even among students who excel at math. UChicago News. https://news.uchicago.edu/article/2017/03/10/anxiety-affects-test-scores…